How to Treat Dry Eyes

Dry, red eyes can be frustrating and uncomfortable. Dry eye treatment can relieve your symptoms and improve your quality of life. At Vold Vision, we offer a range of dry eye treatment methods, letting us find the ones that work best for you. 

What Causes Dry Eyes?

The underlying cause of your dry eyes affects how we treat them. One of the most common causes of dry eye is a problem with the production or flow of tears. Tears contain several components, and missing any can make your tears less effective. 

Medical conditions, medications, allergies, and contact lens use can also cause dry, red eyes. Some people have dry eyes because they do not blink as often as they normally would, keeping tears from being spread over their eyes. 

, How to Treat Dry Eyes, Vold Vision

How to Treat Dry Eyes

You have many options to treat your dry eyes. We will assess the underlying causes, symptoms you experience, and your lifestyle to develop a treatment plan that works for you. Treatment options include:


Your tears contain vital lipids that keep them from evaporating. These lipids come from the Meibomian glands along your eyelids. LipiFlow® treats blocked Meibomian glands to restore normal tear function. LipiFlow® is non-invasive and combines warmth and gentle pressure to clear the blocked glands. It does not treat other causes of dry eye. 

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)

Dry eye symptoms can be caused by inflammation that prevents your eyes from making normal tears. IPL uses pulses of broadband light to reduce inflammation. As a result, blood flow improves, your glands make tear components properly, and your dry eye symptoms improve. As a bonus, IPL can be used for skin rejuvenation, and many people enjoy more youthful-looking skin around their eyes. 


Prokera® is a biological treatment that works as a corneal bandage. It can protect the eye while it heals from a procedure or injury. It can also strengthen and rejuvenate your corneas. We can place and remove this membrane during a quick procedure in our office. You can start to feel relief in as little as a few days, and the benefits can last five months or more. 

Other Treatments

We will continue working with you to find a treatment plan that gives you lasting relief. Your dry eye expert may recommend one or more of these treatment options. 

  • Specialty contact lenses
  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Warm masks or compresses
  • Medications by mouth
  • Nighttime eye masks
  • Artificial tears
  • Moisturing ointments
  • Specialty compounded eye drops

If you have dry eyes due to a medical condition, treating the underlying condition can often resolve the problem. People with chronic eye conditions can usually still have some types of dry eye treatments. 

Is There Any Downtime After Dry Eye Treatments?

Most dry eye treatments have little to no downtime. At-home and most in-office treatments immediately allow you to return to your usual activities. After applying eye drops or ointments, you may experience minor stinging, burning, or blurry vision. These sensations usually resolve within minutes. If you find them bothersome, we can find other treatments. At-home methods like warm compresses are safe for anyone and gentle for your eyes. 

Request a Consultation

We’d love to help you get all the information you need in order to make the best choice for your eyes. Request a consultation today! Our staff is available and happy to answer your every question.

How Long Does Dry Eye Treatment Last?

Different kinds of dry eye treatments will provide relief for different lengths of time. Many topical treatments will stop working within days if you stop using them. Others have longer-lasting effects. In-office treatments like Prokera®, IPL, and Lipiflow® can last for months. Conditions such as blocked glands often recur over time, and you may need another treatment. 

Am I a Good Candidate for Dry Eye Treatment?

Almost everyone can have some type of dry eye treatment. We will help you find relief from your symptoms using treatments that fit your lifestyle. Some people will prefer the ease and convenience of at-home treatments, while others may enjoy the medication-free relief they can get from in-office treatments. Good candidates are prepared to follow a treatment plan consistently. You will see your best results by consistently using your treatments as directed. 

Identifying and diagnosing the causes of your dry eye requires a skilled, experienced eye care provider. A correct diagnosis is essential in treating your condition. No single treatment works for everyone, so our team works with you to develop your individualized treatment plan. 

It is always terrifying to have any type of surgery but the staff at Vold Vision made my experience a pleasant one. Dr McFarland and Nicole are amazing. Dr McFarland explains procedures throughly and Nicole adds a warm touch of sincerity. There are other amazing staff members, but these two are the greatest!!!!
Rachel R.

Take the Next Step

You’ll benefit not only from the latest technologies available but also from our compassionate, personal approach. You’re more than a patient at Vold Vision in Bentonville and Fayetteville. We strive to make you as comfortable as possible while evaluating the optimal treatment plan just for you. We invite Fayetteville, Rogers, Bentonville, and Springdale residents to contact us today for a consultation at (479) 442-8653. 

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