Eye Injuries and Infections

The eyes are sensitive organs of the body. Minor injuries and infections may result in significant vision problems if improperly treated. If you suspect an infection or have received an injury, it is important to be examined by a professional ophthalmologist. 

, Eye Injuries and Infections, Vold Vision

What are Eye Injuries?

Every year, 2.4 million eye injuries occur in the United States alone. Many people forsake basic safety precautions and, in a moment, can be sentenced to a lifetime of vision problems. It is essential to use basic precautions when engaging in any activity which has the potential for eye injury. 

However, once an eye injury has occurred, you must assess whether the eye requires professional treatment. Most eye injuries can be treated and healed at home without a visit to the eye doctor. However, some do require immediate attention. When in doubt, we recommended treating all eye injuries as potential emergencies.

Common conditions associated with an eye injury and trauma include:

An eye laceration is essentially a scratch or cut on the eyeball. Lacerations don’t always need emergency care, but some may, depending on the depth and length of the injury.

A scratched eye is also known as a corneal abrasion. Common causes of abrasions to the eye’s surface include getting poked in the eye and rubbing it with a foreign body, such as dust or sand.

When a foreign object, such as metal or shattered glass, penetrates your eye, it is recommended to go directly to the emergency room. Do not rub the eye or try removing the object.

Caustic substances are chemicals that are highly corrosive and can cause damage to living tissue. If any liquid other than water enters your eye, run your eyes under barely warm tap water for 15 minutes, and seek immediate medical help if there is no improvement.

Black eyes are common eye injuries caused by bleeding under the skin around the eye. Black eyes can often be treated with an ice pack to reduce swelling.

A subconjunctival hemorrhage, or eye bleeding, looks worse than it is. This type of eye injury involves blood leaking from a blood vessel. Although it can look serious, it generally clears up on its own within several weeks.

Traumatic iritis is an inflammation of the iris that occurs after an eye injury. Even with medical treatment, there is a risk of long-term vision damage.

A hyphema is bleeding in the space between the cornea and the iris. Orbital blowout fractures are cracks in the facial bones surrounding the eye. These are considered medical emergencies, and immediate care should be sought.

What are Eye Infections, Diseases, and Disorders?

Dr. Steven Vold and his team of Northwest Arkansas board-certified physicians work to assess, diagnose, treat, and manage several issues that can arise within the eye.


The most common eye diseases treated at Vold Vision are cataracts, glaucoma, retina disease such as macular degeneration, and eye conditions associated with diabetes. Many eye diseases occur due to age, while others may be from lifestyle habits or another medical condition (such as hypertension or high blood pressure). Some diseases onset fast, while others take years to develop. Routine eye exams can lead to an early diagnosis in many patients, allowing treatment to start before profound vision loss occurs.

Eye Disease

The most common eye diseases treated at Vold Vision are cataracts, glaucoma, retina disease such as macular degeneration, and eye conditions associated with diabetes. Many eye diseases occur due to age, while others may be from lifestyle habits or another medical condition (such as hypertension or high blood pressure). Some diseases onset fast, while others take years to develop. Routine eye exams can lead to an early diagnosis in many patients, allowing treatment to start before profound vision loss occurs.


Many viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi that infect your body can also attack your eyes. The most common type of eye infection is conjunctivitis, also known as “pink eye,” which is caused by a common cold virus. OHS and CMV retinitis are both severe retina infections caused by a specific type of fungus. Conditions such as herpes simplex, shingles, and bacterial keratitis can also lead to eye infections if the eyes are rubbed after touching the bacteria on the skin. Every eye infection is an isolated case requiring a unique treatment approach.

Eye Infections

Many viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi that infect your body can also attack your eyes. The most common type of eye infection is conjunctivitis, also known as “pink eye,” which is caused by a common cold virus. OHS and CMV retinitis are both severe retina infections caused by a specific type of fungus. Conditions such as herpes simplex, shingles, and bacterial keratitis can also lead to eye infections if the eyes are rubbed after touching the bacteria on the skin. Every eye infection is an isolated case requiring a unique treatment approach.


Some eye disorders are visibly noticeable such as bulging eyes, crossed eyes, lazy eyes, eyelid twitching, or astigmatism. Other eye disorders that another person cannot necessarily see can lead to specific symptoms, including color blindness, eye floaters, or low vision. Many eye disorders can be treated with therapy or surgery.

Eye Disorders

Some eye disorders are visibly noticeable such as bulging eyes, crossed eyes, lazy eyes, eyelid twitching, or astigmatism. Other eye disorders that another person cannot necessarily see can lead to specific symptoms, including color blindness, eye floaters, or low vision. Many eye disorders can be treated with therapy or surgery.

Many types of eye injuries, diseases, infections, and disorders range in severity. The protocol and treatment required for each eye condition vary greatly. Dr. Vold and his board-certified team will take extreme care to diagnose the root problem, understand the treatment options, and determine the most effective course of action. 

It is important not to wait for symptoms to appear before having a Vold Vision 360-Eye Exam since early detection and treatment significantly decreases your probability of suffering from long-term vision loss.

Early treatment for eye injuries can prevent further complications. Minor injuries may cause permanent vision impairment if not correctly treated. Some of the benefits of eye injury and infection treatment include:

  • Preventing further vision impairment
  • Catching underlying vision impairments early
  • Improving overall vision
  • Reducing pain, inflammation, and other symptoms of injury

If you have sustained an eye injury or suspect an infection, please schedule an examination as soon as possible. Even without symptoms or a recent injury, consistent eye examinations can help as many infections and injuries may take years to develop severe symptoms. Early detection can prevent permanent eye damage. 

Recovery from an injury or infection varies depending on the type and severity of your condition. Some may experience improvement within a week, while others may take longer. Significant injuries may require surgery, which may take a few weeks. During your recovery, it is essential to follow all of Dr. Vold’s instructions. 

Dr. Vold and his board-certified team of doctors specialize in diagnosing and treating various ocular conditions. During your examination, Vold Vision takes extreme care in examining, diagnosing, and choosing the best treatment options. Dr. Vold and his team will thoroughly explain every step of the way. 

Even if you have not experienced any of the symptoms listed above or an injury, Dr. Vold suggests receiving an eye exam annually to catch any problems. Some eye diseases are painless until they are severe, so regular exams are needed to ensure your eye’s health.

If you have recently experienced an injury, even light punches or scratches to the eye, it is best to receive an examination by a professional ophthalmologist to determine the extent of the damage. Minor injuries can result in significant vision problems. If you suspect an infection or have received an injury, please schedule an examination with Vold Vision immediately. 

Why Should I Go to Vold Vision for Eye Injury Treatment?

The world-class eye surgeons at Vold Vision are the gold standard for eye care in Northwest Arkansas and beyond. Contact us today to schedule your eye exam and allow us to assist you at the root of your vision problems. 

If you suffer an eye injury, Dr. Vold and his team of board-certified ophthalmologists and optometrists will assess and treat the injury, providing personalized care and support. Should a situation require immediate attention, we are your go-to team of healthcare professionals to aid in the healing process. 

Take the Next Step

To learn more about eye injuries and infections, schedule a consultation with one of the providers at Vold Vision. Throughout your entire laser vision correction journey, you will have your very own Vold liaison to assist you with any questions you have. Our patient care counselors are available by text, phone, or email and no question is too small for them to answer. To schedule a consultation, fill out the consultation request form below, or call or text (479) 442-8653.