XEN® Glaucoma Treatment

Vold Vision offers the latest, cutting-edge treatments for glaucoma patients and is proud to provide the XEN® Glaucoma Treatment System by Allergan. In the past several years, Dr. Vold has been one of only a select few surgeons in the country to perform a wide array of new innovative glaucoma procedures.

As part of the collection of advanced, minimally invasive treatments we offer, XEN® has proven to provide patients with significant improvement in managing their glaucoma.

Discover our patient success stories.

*Individual results may vary.

After a thorough eye exam and diagnosis, Dr. Vold and our team of experienced eye surgeons will create a custom treatment plan. The XEN® implant lowers eye pressure in patients diagnosed with refractory glaucoma – open-angle glaucoma where prior treatments failed to produce relief. 

The XEN® stent is a tiny, soft tube about the length of an eyelash. The stent is rigid when dry but softens for easy implantation after being hydrated for 1-2 minutes. While the stent itself is small, the soft and flexible material remains in place when implanted into the eye and does not dissolve. It produces outstanding, long-lasting outcomes for patients suffering from open-angle glaucoma.


XEN® is considered a MIGS procedure (minimally invasive glaucoma surgery), meaning it is performed right inside our treatment center as an outpatient procedure and does not require general anesthesia. 

A needle implants the tube, and Dr. Vold gently rolls the stent into position. The seamless procedure creates a small channel in the eye to drain fluid and help lessen eye pressure. The stent is placed under the transparent membrane covering the eyeball’s white section. It stays in place and works to relieve pressure continuously.

XEN® glaucoma treatment has allowed patients to reduce their reliance on eye drops to manage their glaucoma. Some of the benefits of XEN® glaucoma treatment include: 

  • Quick and painless surgery 
  • Speedy recovery time
  • Permanent implant, reducing your dependence on eye drops
  • Biocompatable material
  • Less risk than many other glaucoma treatments
  • Treats glaucoma in ways others have failed

Your eye may be blurry after your treatment, but it should clear within 1-2 days. You will need someone to drive you home and assist you during the first 24 hours of recovery. You may return to work and daily activities that do not strain your eyes as you feel ready to do so. 

Follow-up appointments with Dr. Vold and his team will help determine your new, lessened eye drop prescriptions and monitor your recovery process. 

We may not always recommend surgery right from the start, as other treatments may provide sufficient improvement to glaucoma symptoms. However, many patients are candidates for a MIGS procedure depending on the stage of their glaucoma and the current symptoms. If you have open-angle glaucoma and previous treatments have failed, the XEN® Gel Stent may be a solution for you. 

Learn More About Glaucoma

Why Should I Go to Vold Vision for XEN® Glaucoma Treatment?

Dr. Vold is the only fellowship-trained glaucoma sub-specialist in Northwest Arkansas. Furthermore, he is a world leader in new glaucoma treatments and a recognized pioneer in developing future minimally invasive glaucoma surgeries. Dr. Vold has performed more micro-invasive glaucoma surgeries than almost anyone in the country.

As with all surgical procedures, there are risks to consider and an evaluation to determine if XEN® is the best treatment for your unique case. We invite you to call Vold Vision and schedule your consultation to learn more about our glaucoma surgeons and services.

Take the Next Step

To learn more about XEN® glaucoma treatment, schedule a consultation with one of the providers at Vold Vision. To schedule a consultation, fill out the consultation request form below, or call (479) 442-8653.